Spain sets plans to deliver up to 60MW of marine energy and 3GW of floating wind by 2030

23 de julio de 2021

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Spain has unveiled plans to develop up to 60MW of marine energy and up to 3GW of floating offshore wind capacity by 2030 in a roadmap released by the country’s Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

The roadmap for the development of offshore wind and marine energies, mainly tidal and wave, in Spain aims to guide and decisively promote the full development of short, medium and long-term potential of these resources.

The roadmap is said to be fully aligned with the European strategy for offshore renewable energy, released in November 2020, with an aim to bring Europe’s offshore wind capacity to at least 60GW, and marine energies (floating wind and solar included) to at least 1GW by 2030

Source: Offshore Energy

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