The Aquaculture Innovation Summit 2021 takes place this September

Economía Azul | Eventos


The fourth Annual Aquaculture Innovation Summit takes place this September, as a two-day event starting on the 28th. The Summit is a major part of the Animal Health Innovation series, which focuses on showcasing and supporting innovation and sustainability initiatives in three key areas of aquaculture: nutrition, health and digital.

Throughout the on-demand and live parts of the agenda, key discussions in 2021 include:

  • Digital transformation and how that can optimise aquaculture
  • Identifying the next steps to guarantee the future of sustainable and functional feeds
  • The hottest areas for investment from investors and big companies
  • The future of health and genetics to improve performance and welfare
  • Ensuring aquaculture is seen as part of a healthy, sustainable food system
  • Deep dive into land-based and open ocean as alternatives to in-shore, cage-based production

At the Summit, you will also have the opportunity to explore investment and partnership opportunities through 1-2-1 virtual networking and interactive roundtable sessions.

Source: The Aqueaculturists

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